Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu dui sit amet ex tincidunt blandit sit amet eget eros. Curabitur suscipit, ipsum non vestibulum rutrum, diam lectus accumsan elit, vitae euismod justo nunc eget eros. Ut pharetra pharetra ante vitae consectetur. Pellentesque at aliquam orci. Suspendisse scelerisque purus vel lorem dignissim, id egestas nibh tincidunt. Mauris sed nisi vitae nisl tincidunt interdum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas augue velit, tincidunt non auctor sed, dictum in sem. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris ac turpis imperdiet, molestie dolor nec, consequat erat.
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Character occupations can be found here! Staff will update this on their own, but if your character is missing, feel free to send one of our staff a quick pm! This list will be sorted alphabetically by Character name.
If you wish to create a board for a store, restaurant, or any other workplace, then please a PM staff member!
All face claims can be found here! Staff will update this on their own, but if your character is missing, feel free to send one of our staff a quick pm!
If you plan to use a certain fc for your character, but aren't creating the character right away or need more time to complete it, then post a reservation for the fc! Staff will add it to the reservations list for you. However, please be aware that reservations only last two weeks, and if you want to renew the reservation, you must post the reservation again.
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The skin OTHERWORLD was made by JAWN of WICKED WONDERLAND. The profile and mini-profile remodels were made by PHARAOH LEAP of WICKED WONDERLAND.
May Arceus Guide Us was created by ★ KIT and AMASHA. Images belong to their respective artists. All codes and scripts belong to their respective coders. Please DO NOT take anything without the owners' permission.